Lego Project:

Objective: To build simple objects that when put together, create a more complex object. To use basic surface colors as textures. To create more complex textures with opacity, bump, and diffuse maps. To use layers. To use Boolean.

___ 5 Each individual piece of the lego set must be on its own layer
___ 5 Each layer must be named
___ 5 The surfaces of all polygons must be named
___ 5 There must be at least 15 unique pieces in the object (15 layers)
___ 5 There must be evidence of Boolean operations
___ 5 The modeled pieces must match (pretty much) exactly the original
___ 5 Each of the modeled pieces must be in proportion to each other

___ 5 Good lighting
___ 5 Individual pieces are lined up correctly
___ 5 rendered still is a 640 X 480 .jpg image
___ Total